February Update

I don’t know if I was supposed to make these updates at the end of the month or the beginning of the following month. But I’m gonna say the latter cuz I still count it as ‘early in the month’ as long as it's within the first 10 days.

So I got confirmation that my panel for RIT’s Tora-Con was approved. Tora-Con is Rochester’s biggest anime convention, and I proposed a panel in which I would explain how real giant robots can be constructed in the near future, if not right now. My wife has been suggesting that I need to put myself out there more often so I figured, why not? I’m going to be recording the panel so even if no one shows up, I at least have an easy upload for youtube. So as soon as I got the email I focused on my script and slideshow for the panel.

Even before my panel was approved I made it a personal goal to have at least one major project such as a game done and released by March 22nd, so I can announce it at the panel. Originally it was going to be the 2nd gamebook I was working on (Not the zelda RPG) and that’s what I spent the majority of February on. While the design is basically all done, I’ve hit a huge writers block when it comes to the NPC dialogue, and I’m intimidated by the amount of drawings that I had to make in such a short period of time.

However, my ADHD brain actually came in the clutch, as there was ANOTHER tabletop game that I’ve been developing on and off, that is far closer to completion, AND is also related to mecha. So starting in March I decided to focus all my efforts on finishing up that project and that can be my big game release.

But man, ever since March started it’s been hard to get anything done. First my kid got sick and was out of school all week, then my mother-in-law got sick too, then I got sick this past friday and still am, by the time I get over it my wife will probably get sick cuz she’s been taking care of all 3 of us, while still working and is exhausted-

It feels like I can’t get anything done when this is the time I need to be ramping things up cuz Tora-con is less than two weeks away! I fucking hate getting sick, and I hate how it feels like I’m getting sick more often. I used to only get sick once a year, now I get sick almost every other month!

I don’t know if it’s my kid bringing in the germs from school, or me getting older. I legit wish I could put my brain inside a cyborg shell. A body that doesn’t need to sleep, never get sick, I get to literally do nothing else except be a CREATING MACHINE!

Speaking of machines, I’ve also really gotten into Mecha Break once it’s open beta launched. I’ve been so into it, I’m bouncing around the idea of making video content for the game. I’m going to be releasing a tester vid of sorts later this week. If it gets enough of a response I might go forward with 2 more video ideas and see where it goes from there. But first I need to get back on track with my tiktoks cuz I fell off hard with those.

Here I go again, trying to do way too much all the time. I can’t help it- with the amount of shit I’m throwing out in wildly different directions, ONE OF THEM HAS GOT TO STICK!

Aaaaand I feel my fever flaring up again, which means I need to take my 2nd round of Tylonol.

